
Seminar: How does the quasi-random allocation into specialized newcomer schools affect the primary school outcomes of refugees in the Netherlands?

On Thursday February 14th 2019, Cécile Magnée (ROA) will give a presentation titled: "How does the quasi-random allocation into specialized newcomer schools affect the primary school outcomes of refugees in the Netherlands?"

February 14, 2019
13:00 - 14:00
CPB-office, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, The Hague (Room 1 - Duinzaal)
Cécile Magnée (ROA)
Mark Kattenberg (CPB)
Working language

After arriving in the Netherlands, a refugee is either quasi-randomly assigned to a regular primary school or to a specialized newcomer school. This quasi-random allocation can be employed as a natural experiment, in which refugees who are allocated to an asylum seekers’ school are treated and the ones allocated to regular schools are in the control group. The OLS regression results show that the treated refugees perform significantly worse on both test scores and receive lower secondary education level assessments by their teacher at the end of primary school.