Seminar: The effects of a temporary migration shock. The case of the Arab Spring migration towards Italy
Wednesday January 14th, Claudio Labanca (UC San Diego) will present "The effects of a temporary migration shock. The case of the Arab Spring migration towards Italy"
Time: 13.00-14.00 hours
Location: CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague
Presentation: Claudio Labanca (UC San Diego)
Discussant: Stefan Boeters (CPB)
Language: English
Registration: Please register by sending an email to
Abstract subject:
In this study we estimate the short term effects of migration on employment and earnings of native workers. We do it by exploiting the heterogeneous impact of the unanticipated and temporary migration induced by the Arab Spring on regional labor markets in Italy. We find migration to have considerable short term effects on natives' labor market outcomes. Most of the effects are concentrated on employment. The magnitude and the sign of the effects vary largely across industries. We justify the coexistence of positive and negative employment effects, providing evidence of migration altering the distribution of natives across sectors. We explain the rise in employment experienced by some sectors as being driven by migration through an increased demand of the products or services provided by those sectors. We provide suggestive evidence in support of this type of mechanism by estimating the effects of the Arab spring migration on the housing market in Italy.
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