
Political economy of reforms

We invite you for the workshop ''Political economy of reforms'', organised by the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. A number of international economists are invited to present their latest research on this topic on Wednesday June 29. The workshop will be held at the Ministry of Finance.

June 29, 2016
Ministry of Finance, Korte Voorhout 7, The Hague

The workshop will cover the topic from various angles, from political economy in general to tax reform specifically, with contributions from academics from economic and political sciences. The program consists of four parts, and Professor James Robinson (Chicago University), our honoured guest for the CPB Lecture 2016, will be interviewed by Roel Janssen.

If you want to participate in this workshop, please register. There is a limited number of places.

register | cancel | program workshop

For more information on the CPB Lecture 2016 on June 30 and registration: website CPB Lecture.