This paper develops a stylized model that can serve as an instrument to assess how long term trends as demographic change and rising living standards affect the optimal future rise of the statutory retirement age (sra)... →
Het inkomen van personen met een Marokkaanse, Turkse, Surinaamse en Antilliaanse migratieachtergrond lag tussen 2003 en 2017 lager dan van personen zonder migratieachtergrond. De inkomensverschillen hangen samen met... →
This paper investigates income disparities across natives and the most prominent migrant groups in the Netherlands, those with a Moroccan, Turkish, Surinamese, or Antillean background.... →
We estimate the contemporaneous relationship between household debt and consumption for the period 2006 to 2015. Using Dutch administrative data, we find that the average consumption of households with high debt has... →