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December 7, 2023

An economic analysis of the TOZO, the Dutch support scheme for self-employed during COVID-19

The Temporary Support Scheme for Self-Employed Persons (Tozo) supported self-employed entrepreneurs during the coronavirus crisis. This is the conclusion from a CPB study.

hairdresser in corona
December 7, 2023

Tozo supports Self-Employed Persons

The Temporary Support Scheme for Self-Employed Persons (Tozo) supported self-employed entrepreneurs during the coronavirus crisis. This is the conclusion from a CPB study. Due to uncertainty and contact-restricting...

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July 5, 2023

Selectie door algoritmes kan wel representatief

Het is mogelijk om een selectie-algoritme representatiever keuzes te laten maken. Dat stelt het Centraal Planbureau in het onderzoek Rechtvaardige Algoritmes dat 5 juli verscheen. Het is dan nodig dat van tevoren goed...

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