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There are 7 search results.
June 8, 2021

Housing Market Effects of a Railroad Tunneling: Evidence from a quasi-experiment

The railroad tunnelling in Delft (the Netherlands) has led to substantial, additional, increases in residential property prices. Our results show that the price elasticity with respect to the distance to the (tunnelled) railroad would have been about 5 percentage points lower in case Delft would not have tunneled its railroad.

Railway station Delft
March 5, 2021

Homeowners have easier and cheaper access to business credit

Banks often demand collateral for business loans. Apart from business assets, for many small entrepreneurs their own home is the most important security they can offer. The interaction between the housing market and...

Houses 740x420
January 19, 2021

Stedelijk bouwen, agglomeratie-effecten en woningprijzen

Woningbouw dempt de stijging van huizenprijzen, ook in stedelijk gebied. Agglomeratie-effecten werken juist prijsverhogend, maar zijn niet groot genoeg om het prijsdempende effect van nieuwbouw teniet te...

No title
August 15, 2017

Prijselasticiteit van het woningaanbod

De aanbodelasticiteit van de Nederlandse woningmarkt empirisch geanalyseerd.

April 3, 2017

The Impact of House Price Shocks on the Savings of Dutch Homeowners and Renters

We study the impact of changes in house prices on savings using administrative panel data on Dutch owner-occupying and renting households over the period 2006-2013.

March 16, 2017

Negative home equity and job mobility

We investigate the impact of negative home equity on job mobility. Panel fixed effects estimation is carried out by making use of Dutch administrative panel in the period 2006-2011.

November 15, 2016

Schatting marktconforme huur

In de CPB Policy Brief over de positie van de middeninkomens op de woningmarkt (CPB, 2016) spelen subsidies in de verschillende segmenten van de woningmarkt een belangrijke rol als verklaring van de omvang van deze segmenten.