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November 23, 2016

De arbeidsmarkt aan de grens met en zonder grensbelemmeringen

Als het zou lukken om grensbelemmeringen op de arbeidsmarkt weg te nemen, dan nemen de werkgelegenheid en lonen toe in Nederlandse grensprovincies, en de werkloosheid neemt af.

September 20, 2016

Macro Economic Outlook (MEV) 2017

In this publication CPB presents its analyses and projections of both the Dutch and worldwide economy in 2016 and 2017.

September 9, 2016

The Impact of Uncertainty Shocks: Continental Europe versus the Anglo-Saxon World

For economic forecasting it is important to know how the real economy responds to major events such as the fall of the Soviet Union, the Greek debt crisis, the recent terrorism attacks in Europe, and the Brexit.