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There are 182 search results.
November 22, 2021

Position paper: doorstroomvennootschappen

De omvang van buitenlandse investeringen die via Nederland lopen, is uitzonderlijk groot. Het gezamenlijke balanstotaal van brievenbusfirma’s en andere financiële tussenschakels met een beperkte economische...

October 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor August 2021

The world trade volume increased 0.8% in August 2021, compared to July, when trade growth was -1.4%. So world trade is slowly increasing again, but is not yet at the level of the second quarter. This is evident from the latest CPB world trade monitor.

World Trade August 2021
September 24, 2021

World Trade Monitor July 2021

The world trade volume decreased 0.9% in July 2021, compared to June, when trade growth was 0.7%. With this decrease, world trade momentum has become negative with -0.4% for the first time since the trade bounced back since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

World Trade July 2021
September 24, 2021

World trade is declining

The world trade volume decreased 0.9% in July 2021, compared to June, when trade growth was 0.7%. With this decrease, world trade momentum has become negative with -0.4% for the first time since the trade bounced back...

World Trade july 2021
August 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor June 2021

World merchandise trade appears to stabilize, with a modest growth in June of 0.5%, compared to May, following a decline of 0.7% previous month. This seems to indicate the end of the vigorous recovery in global goods trade, after falling back severely last year with the outbreak of the corona crisis.

World trade stabilizes
July 27, 2021

Increased trade with China and Eastern Europe hardly affects Dutch workers

Contrary to other studies, we find no robust effect of an increase in trade with China and Central European (CEE) countries on local employment, wages and inequality in the Netherlands....

containership China Shipping
July 23, 2021

World Trade Monitor May 2021

The CPB World Trade Monitor shows that the volume of world trade decreased 0.3% in May, having decreased 0.1% in April (initial estimate 0.5%).

No title
June 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor April 2021

Modest growth world trade in April 2021 (0.5%), compared to March (growth was 2.3% in March). Striking trade growth in China, Japan and other Asian economies.

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May 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor March 2021

World merchandise trade is still going strong. The WTM of the CPB shows that world trade grew strongly again in March by 2.2%. This brings the first quarter of 2021 to a growth of 3.5%.

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May 25, 2021

Risicorapportage Financiële markten 2021

Het Nederlandse financiële stelsel is vooralsnog stabiel genoeg om de gevolgen van de coronacrisis op te vangen.

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