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April 26, 2023

Fiets zonder schroefjes: het ontrafelen van internationale waardeketens

Een fiets is een product van een internationaal netwerk, een waardeketen. Het CPB heeft recent nieuwe instrumenten ontwikkeld om de effecten van handelsbeleid op zo'n internationale waardeketens te simuleren. Onderzoeker Daan Freeman schrijft erover.

No title
April 26, 2023

Netherlands benefits from international policy on tariff costs in value chains

Firms face various trade costs that affect their international competitiveness. These include not only direct tariffs on imports and exports but also less obvious indirect tariffs imposed at different points in the...

April 26, 2023

New Tools for Value Chain Analysis

We introduce two novel tools to enhance our understanding of international trade. Through the trade cost index, we compute the complete trade costs within a value chain. With the new gravity model that also incorporates...

April 25, 2023

World Trade Monitor February 2023

World merchandise trade declined with 0.9% in February 2023 compared to January, following an increase of 0.3% in January compared to December of last year.

World Trade February 2023
April 25, 2023

The CPB World Trade Monitor: technical description (update April 2023)

The CPB World Trade Monitor (WTM) is an instrument for bringing together, aggregating, and summarizing worldwide monthly data on international trade and industrial production. Its purpose is to report monthly...

April 18, 2023

Climate policy hardly harms firms

Entrepreneurs seem to be adapting their business operations to climate policy, instead of relocating their business to countries without or with less stringent climate policies. There is little to no evidence that...

Business park Pernis with various factories
April 18, 2023

Carbon costs and industrial firm performance: Evidence from international microdata

Entrepreneurs seem to be adapting their business operations to climate policy. There is little to no evidence that climate policy has depressed the profit, productivity or turnover of an average industrial firm.

Business park Pernis with various factories
March 24, 2023

World Trade Monitor January 2023

World merchandise trade slightly declined (-0.1%) in January 2023 compared to the previous month, following a decline of 2.8% in December of last year compared to November. Most noteworthy are a decline in imports in the United Kingdom of -9.3% and in China of -2.5%. Chinese exports also fell back: -1.0%.

World Trade January 2023
February 24, 2023

World trade grew in 2022, despite the war in Ukraine

In December 2022, world trade decreased with 0.9% compared to November 2022, according to the monthly World Trade Monitor of the CPB. Over the whole of 2022, world trade has grown by 3....

World trade including December 2022
February 24, 2023

World Trade Monitor December 2022

In December 2022, world trade decreased with 0.9% compared to November 2022, according to the monthly World Trade Monitor of the CPB. Over the whole of 2022, world trade has grown by 3.2%, despite Russia's invasion of Ukraine.