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February 3, 2022

Heb elk handelsvoordeel zijn nadeel?

Dit jaar zal de EU haar 25e verjaardag vieren, maar wat heeft ze ons opgeleverd? Daar is geen makkelijk antwoord op te geven, omdat de EU zo veelomvattend is geworden. Programmaleider Internationale analyse, Gerdien Meijerink, waagt in haar column toch een poging.

No title
January 28, 2022

Nederland heeft baat bij een sterkere Europese Unie

Nederland heeft baat bij een sterkere Europese Unie, niet alleen in economisch opzicht. Een sterker Europa betekent soms inleveren van soevereiniteit, maar wel met oog voor onze ‘eigenheid’. Dat schrijft CPB-directeur Pieter Hasekamp in zijn maandelijkse essay in het Financieele Dagblad.

No title
January 25, 2022

World Trade Monitor November 2021

World trade volume increased 2.0% in November 2021 compared to October, following an increase of 1.1% in October (initial estimate: 1.6%). The growth is mainly due to advanced economies where both imports (3.6%) and exports (2.8%) have grown strongly. This is evident from the latest CPB world trade monitor.

World Trade november 2021
December 24, 2021

World Trade Monitor October 2021

The world trade volume increased 1,6%% in October 2021 compared to September, when trade growth was -1,1%. A substantial share of this increase can be attributed to the increase in exports of the US (9.3%) and imports of China (6.8%). This is evident from the latest CPB world trade monitor.

World Trade October 2021
November 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor September 2021

The world trade volume decreased 0.8% in September 2021, compared to August, when trade growth was 0.7%. With this, the growth rate in world trade for quarter 3 stands at -1.1%. This is evident from the latest CPB world trade monitor.

World Trade September 2021
November 22, 2021

Position paper: doorstroomvennootschappen

De omvang van buitenlandse investeringen die via Nederland lopen, is uitzonderlijk groot. Het gezamenlijke balanstotaal van brievenbusfirma’s en andere financiële tussenschakels met een beperkte economische...

October 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor August 2021

The world trade volume increased 0.8% in August 2021, compared to July, when trade growth was -1.4%. So world trade is slowly increasing again, but is not yet at the level of the second quarter. This is evident from the latest CPB world trade monitor.

World Trade August 2021
September 24, 2021

World Trade Monitor July 2021

The world trade volume decreased 0.9% in July 2021, compared to June, when trade growth was 0.7%. With this decrease, world trade momentum has become negative with -0.4% for the first time since the trade bounced back since the COVID-19 pandemic hit.

World Trade July 2021
September 24, 2021

World trade is declining

The world trade volume decreased 0.9% in July 2021, compared to June, when trade growth was 0.7%. With this decrease, world trade momentum has become negative with -0.4% for the first time since the trade bounced back...

World Trade july 2021
August 25, 2021

World Trade Monitor June 2021

World merchandise trade appears to stabilize, with a modest growth in June of 0.5%, compared to May, following a decline of 0.7% previous month. This seems to indicate the end of the vigorous recovery in global goods trade, after falling back severely last year with the outbreak of the corona crisis.

World trade stabilizes