Search results

There are 4 search results.
February 16, 2021

Skill up or get left behind? Digital skills and labor market outcomes in the Netherlands

People with low digital skills relatively often do not have a paid job, and if they do, they earn a relatively low hourly wage. Those are the most important findings of CPB research based on a newly constructed dataset combining digital skills with labor market outcomes.

February 16, 2021

Aanzienlijk deel beroepsbevolking kampt met lage digitale vaardigheden

Digitalisering vereist nieuwe vaardigheden om mee te kunnen doen in de maatschappij en op de arbeidsmarkt. Maar beschikt iedereen wel over voldoende...

October 17, 2019

Cyber Security Risk Assessment 2019

Persistent risks, new risks and uncertainty.

Primary image UK 740x420
October 15, 2018

Risicorapportage Cyberveiligheid Economie 2018

Met de digitalisering van de samenleving neemt ook het economische belang van cyberveiligheid toe.