Search results

There are 145 search results.
December 19, 2008

The quality of bilateral services trade data: contribution to GTAP7 database

This paper describes CPB's contribution on bilateral services trade data to version 7 of the GTAP database.

December 18, 2008

Did the 2006 covenants reduce school dropout in the Netherlands?

Early school-leaving is considered to be one of the major problems in Dutch education.

December 18, 2008

Regionale convenanten hebben voortijdig schoolverlaten niet verminderd

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation

December 17, 2008

Presentatie 'Kredietcrisis: Gewoon mensenwerk'

This presentation is in Dutch, there is no English version.

December 16, 2008

Presentatie 'Op zoek naar geluk'

This presentation is in Dutch, there is no English version.

December 13, 2008

European natural gas markets: resource constraints and market power

Natural gas for Europe, market power for the exporters.

December 10, 2008

Report AIECE Working Group on Foreign Trade; Autumn 2008.

The financial crisis is still spreading and deepening and is making inroads on the real economy.

December 10, 2008

Rising health spending, new medical technology and the Baumol effect

Higher productivity, higher health spending.

December 8, 2008

December 2008 forecast: Tough times ahead

The past several months have been outright turbulent. The worldwide economic prospects have worsened at a rapid pace. This has not left the Dutch economy unaffected, open as it is.

December 8, 2008

The credit crisis and the Dutch economy... in eight frequently asked questions

In this memorandum 8 Frequently Asked Questions about the financial crisis and the Dutch economy.