Search results

There are 26 search results.
January 1, 1999

Analyzing the macro economic impact of child care subsidies: an AGE approach

Analyzing the macro economic impact of child care subsidies: an AGE approach

January 1, 1999

Collapsing controlled exchange rates: how well can we predict and explain them?

Collapsing controlled exchange rates: how well can we predict and explain them?

December 14, 1998

Bedrijfslocatiemonitor 2; regionale verkenningen 2010

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

December 1, 1998

Tax policy and the labor market: a sensitivity analysis with an AGE model

Tax policy and the labor market: a sensitivity analysis with an AGE model

November 18, 1998

Luchtvaartgroei binnen milieurandvoorwaarden; beleidsstrategieën in dynamisch perspectief.

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 1, 1998

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion

2020: Integrated projections for Rotterdam port and industry; a second opinion

November 1, 1998

Worker turnover at the firm level and crowding out of lower educated workers

Worker turnover at the firm level and crowding out of lower educated workers

November 1, 1998

Do more high skilled workers occupy simple jobs during bad times?

Do more high skilled workers occupy simple jobs during bad times?

November 1, 1998

Road pricing in the Netherlands; a second-opinion

Road pricing: the end of congestion in the urbanized part of the Netherlands?

November 1, 1998

Tax reform and the Dutch Labor Market: an applied general equilibrium approach

Tax reform and the Dutch Labor Market: an applied general equilibrium approach