Search results

There are 19 search results.
December 21, 2011

Evaluatie van de financiële transactiebelasting

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

No title
December 21, 2011

An evaluation of the financial transaction tax

The European Commission has proposed a Financial Transactions Tax (FTT).

October 27, 2011

Kinderopvang in Kaart

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

No title
August 29, 2011

Fixed export costs and multi-product firms

First, we uncover some salient components of fixed export costs. Second, we investigate whether the importance of these fixed export costs varies with the size of a firm’s export product portfolio.

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July 26, 2011

Wage inequality in the Netherlands: Evidence, trends and explanations

Using detailed micro data on the entire wage distribution in the Netherlands, this paper examines trends in Dutch (real pre-tax) wage inequality between 2000 and 2008.

No title
July 25, 2011

General hospitals in financial distress; Reconsidering government intervention

The Dutch government is currently engaged in reconsidering its role in hospital bankruptcies.

June 30, 2011

Retirement Flexibility and Portfolio Choice

This paper explores the interaction between retirement flexibility and portfolio choice in an overlapping-generations model.

No title
June 29, 2011

Competition leverage: How the demand side affects optimal risk adjustment

In this paper, the authors study optimal risk adjustment in imperfectly competitive health insurance markets.

No title
May 23, 2011

Is economic recovery a myth? Robust estimation of impulse responses

An average banking crisis leads to an output loss of up to up to 9 percent, without any recovery within seven years.

May 10, 2011

Een bindend interventieraamwerk voor bancair toezicht

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.