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May 23, 2024

Het ene tarief is het andere niet

CBAM, de nieuwe Europese CO2-invoerheffing, beprijst een negatief extern effect: CO2-uitstoot. De CBAM zorgt dat er minder CO2-uitstoot uit de EU ‘weglekt’. CPB’er Rutger Teulings gaat hier dieper op in.

No title
April 25, 2024

European Carbon Import Tax Effective Against Leakage

Starting in 2026, the EU is gradually introducing a carbon import tax at the EU border (CBAM), to counter carbon emissions relocation to outside the EU. CBAM reduces this carbon leakage by about one-third.

April 18, 2023

Climate policy hardly harms firms

Entrepreneurs seem to be adapting their business operations to climate policy, instead of relocating their business to countries without or with less stringent climate policies. There is little to no evidence that...

Business park Pernis with various factories
April 18, 2023

Carbon costs and industrial firm performance: Evidence from international microdata

Entrepreneurs seem to be adapting their business operations to climate policy. There is little to no evidence that climate policy has depressed the profit, productivity or turnover of an average industrial firm.

Business park Pernis with various factories
May 25, 2022

Meerjarenonderzoeksplan 2022-2024

Het strategisch meerjarenonderzoeksplan 2022-2024 (mjop) geeft aan welke onderzoeksambities het CPB heeft. In lijn met dit plan worden de jaarlijkse werkplannen opgesteld, waarin de onderzoeksprojecten die dat jaar...