Search results

There are 88 search results.
April 21, 2000

CPB: in 2002 uitgavenmeevaller kleiner en inkomstenmeevaller groter

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 20, 2000

Uitgangspunten voor kosten-batenanalyse infrastructuur

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 20, 2000

Evaluatie van infrastructuurprojecten; leidraad voor kosten-batenanalyse

A large-scale research programme has produced about ten reports, which are integrated into this guide for cost-benefit analysis.

April 13, 2000

Ook 'kansrijke' werklozen bouwen snel afstand tot arbeidsmarkt op

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 12, 2000

Central Economic Plan (CEP) 2000

In the Central Economic Plan (CEP) CPB presents analyses and projections for the Dutch and world economy.

April 12, 2000

CPB Report: Dutch economy will continue to grow strongly

CPB Report: Dutch economy will continue to grow strongly

April 5, 2000

Aankondiging persconferentie Centraal Economisch Plan 2000

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 1, 2000

ICT and the Dutch economy: an historical and international perspective

The contribution of the information- and communication technologie (ICT) to the Dutch economy.

April 1, 2000

STREAM: Substance Throughput Related to Economic Activity Model; a partial equilibrium model for material flows in the economy

STREAM: Substance Throughput Related to Economic Activity Model; a partial equilibrium model for material flows in the economy