Search results

There are 5637 search results.
January 1, 1994

Internal and external forces in sectoral wage formation: evidence from the Netherlands

Internal and external forces in sectoral wage formation: evidence from the Netherlands

July 22, 1992

Nederland in drievoud; een scenariostudie van de Nederlandse economie 1990-2015.

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

June 9, 1992

Scanning the future; a long-term scenario study of the world economy 1990-2015

A long-term scenario study of the world economy 1990-2015.

May 15, 1992

FKSEC; a macro-econometric model for the Netherlands.

This document is not available in digital format.

January 1, 1989

Cointegratie en foutencorrectiemodellen

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 15, 1985

De Nederlandse economie op langere termijn. Drie scenario's voor de periode 1985-2010

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 15, 1955

Een verkenning der economische toekomstmogelijkheden van Nederland 1950-1970

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.