Search results

There are 5637 search results.
January 1, 1995

AIECE working group reports - spring 1995; le commerce mondial en 1995-1996; world commodity prices 1994-1996

AIECE working group reports - spring 1995; le commerce mondial en 1995-1996; world commodity prices 1994-1996

January 1, 1995

Alternative funding of the social security system: the Van Elswijk proposal

Alternative funding of the social security system: the Van Elswijk proposal

January 1, 1995

Specialisation and price competition in the Netherlands and Germany in trade in industrial products

Specialisation and price competition in the Netherlands and Germany in trade in industrial products

January 1, 1995

Research, development and other intangible investments in the Netherlands

Research, development and other intangible investments in the Netherlands

January 1, 1995

Agricultural relationships between Germany and the Netherlands

Agricultural relationships between Germany and the Netherlands

January 1, 1995

The development of the income distribution in the Netherlands in the long term

The development of the income distribution in the Netherlands in the long term

January 1, 1994

AIECE Working Group reports - Autumn 1994; World trade 1993-1995 and World commodity prices

AIECE Working Group reports - Autumn 1994; World trade 1993-1995 and World commodity prices

January 1, 1994

Turning growth into jobs; Papers and proceedings of the European Economic Forum of 23 March 1994

Turning growth into jobs; Papers and proceedings of the European Economic Forum of 23 March 1994

January 1, 1994

Macroeconomic analysis of the high-speed rail

Macroeconomic analysis of the high-speed rail

January 1, 1994

A qualification standard in undergraduate education

Problems on the labour market mainly with the unskilled and low skilled; may extra education improve the situation?