Search results

There are 5637 search results.
January 1, 1997

Economical and spatial reinforcement of the mainport Rotterdam

Economical and spatial reinforcement of the mainport Rotterdam

January 1, 1997

Marktwerking en de invloed van de bezettingsgraad op prijzen

Marktwerking en de invloed van de bezettingsgraad op prijzen

January 1, 1997

A model for the Dutch healthcare sector

A model for the Dutch healthcare sector

January 1, 1997

Calculations of the budgetary maneuvering room 1999-2002

Calculations of the budgetary maneuvering room 1999-2002

January 1, 1997

Competition in sheltered sectors: the level of the markup

CPB’s macroeconomic models currently in use were not built for analyzing a policy of deregulation and regulation

January 1, 1997

The impact of public infrastructure capital on the private sector of the Netherlands; an application of symmetric generalized McFadden cost function

The impact of public infrastructure capital on the private sector of the Netherlands; an application of symmetric generalized McFadden cost function

January 1, 1997

Social performance and fiscal policy: an application to MIMIC

Social performance and fiscal policy: an application to MIMIC

January 1, 1997

Can we afford to grow old?

Can we afford to grow old?

January 1, 1997

Generational accounts for the Dutch public sector

Generational accounts for the Dutch public sector

February 14, 1996

Economie en milieu; op zoek naar duurzaamheid.

This document is in Dutch and not available in digital format.