Search results

There are 5637 search results.
February 14, 2000

Gelijkvormig grotestedenbeleid sluit niet altijd goed aan op stedelijke problemen

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

February 1, 2000

Publishers caught in the Web?; strategies, performance and public policy

Nowadays publishers face many challenges. New technological possibilities change their role. Will they be 'Caught in the Web' ?

February 1, 2000

Employment and reintegration of the unemployed; the government has any role to play?

The role of the government in the provision of employment services.

February 1, 2000

Magazine publishing: a quiet life? The Dutch market for consumer magazines

Magazine publishing: a quiet life? Market for consumer magazines shows lack of intense competition.

February 1, 2000

Forecasting in macroeconomics: a practioner's view

Forecasting in macroeconomics: a practioner's view

February 1, 2000

Tax policy in a model of search with training

This paper develops a model of search on the labour market with training.

February 1, 2000

Copyright protection; not more but different

Copyright protection; not more but different

February 1, 2000

Tackling the journal crisis; when authors pay with money instead of copyrights

Tackling the journal crisis; when authors pay with money instead of copyrights

February 1, 2000

Individual remuneration

Why do employers use different kinds of pay arrangements?

January 12, 2000

WorldScan; the core version.

This publication presents the core version of WorldScan, a dynamic model for the world economy.