Search results

There are 5637 search results.
June 9, 2000

Schiphol: een normaal bedrijf?

Overgang Schiphol van publiek naar 'normaal', privaat bedrijf lijkt geen bijzondere consequenties te hebben

June 1, 2000

Cost benefit analysis of high speed rail infrastructure

High Speed Train linking Amsterdam Airport with the German Ruhrgebiet; a cost-benefit analysis.

June 1, 2000

Schiphol: een normaal bedrijf?

Schiphol: transition from a public to a private company

June 1, 2000

Auctions and precautions: overbidding in spectrum auctions and its possible impact

Spectrum auctions: higher costs to consumers?

June 1, 2000

The impact of active labour market policies; an AGE analysis for the Netherlands

The impact of active labour market policies; an AGE analysis for the Netherlands

June 1, 2000

The differential impact of the South on wage inequality in the North

The differential impact of the South on wage inequality in the North

May 31, 2000

Material use in OECD remains high in absence of new environmental policy

Material use in OECD countries will not diminish in the next twenty years

May 30, 2000

Benoeming CPB-onderdirecteur Vijlbrief tot bijzonder hoogleraar VU

Benoeming CPB-onderdirecteur Vijlbrief tot bijzonder hoogleraar VU

May 18, 2000

ICT van groot belang voor economische ontwikkeling

ICT van groot belang voor economische ontwikkeling

May 11, 2000

Declining R&D of oil companies due to low opportunities, high risks and mutual competition

Pollution due to the use of oil challenges technological development in the oil industry.