Search results

There are 57 search results.
April 15, 2011

Presentatie 'Tijd om open kaart te spelen'

This presentation is in Dutch, there is no English version.

March 30, 2011

Presentatie "Macro-economische vooruitzichten en pensioenfondsen"

This presentation is in Dutch, there is no English version.

January 21, 2011

Economische argumenten bij het voorontwerp auteurscontractenrecht

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

No title
March 16, 2010

Economic Outlook 2011-2015

This paper presents a scenario for the Dutch economy to the year 2015.

March 10, 2010

The housing corporations from the vanishing triangle

Which public interests, and along which ways, the Dutch governmental authorities should increase their control on social renting policies?

October 30, 2008

Looking for profit for 'social enterprise'; an economic analysis

Mid 2007, the government announced the ‘Maatschappelijke Onderneming’ (i.e. ‘social enterprise’) as a draft of a new (additional) legal form for non-profit organisations.

September 16, 2008

Investeringen in woningen (MEV 2009)

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

March 13, 2008

Investeringen in woningen

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

January 10, 2008

Vertical foreclosure: a policy framework

Whenever you phone your mother, switch on the light, or buy health insurance you purchase a service or product from a chain of vertically related industries.

June 20, 2007

GAMMA; a simulation model for ageing, pensions and public finances

To answer policy questions that have intergenerational implications, a computable simulation model should obey four conditions.