Search results

There are 350 search results.

March 4, 2019

Seminar: Short-term rentals and the housing market: Quasi-experimental evidence from Airbnb in Los Angeles

On Tuesday April 16, 2019 Hans Koster (VU) will give a presentation titled: 'Short-term rentals and the housing market: Quasi-experimental evidence from Airbnb in Los Angeles' ...

March 4, 2019

Seminar: A social norm nudge to save more: a field experiment at a large retail bank

On Tuesday April 23rd 2019, Max van Lent (Universiteit Leiden) will give a presentation titled: "A social norm nudge to save more: a field experiment at a large retail...

March 1, 2019


CPB uses models when making estimates, scenarios and policy analyses. CPB uses several models that differ considerably from each other and are used for different purposes. On this page you will find an overview of all...

February 28, 2019

Achtergrondbriefing raming 2019 en 2020

Het Centraal Planbureau (CPB) publiceert dinsdag 5 maart om 7.00 uur het concept-CEP 2019 (cCEP) op Diezelfde ochtend is er om 10.00 uur een technische briefing (op achtergrondbasis) voor journalisten....

February 27, 2019

Herinnering: Persuitnodiging achtergrondbriefing doorrekening ontwerp-Klimaatakkoord

Het Centraal Planbureau (CPB) organiseert op maandag 4 maart aanstaande om 10:00 uur een achtergrondbriefing voor de pers over de doorrekening van het ontwerp-Klimaatakkoord. Tijdens de briefing zal het CPB een...

February 25, 2019

CPB World Trade Monitor December 2018

The CPB World Trade Monitor shows that the volume of world trade decreased 1.7% in December, having decreased 1,8% in November (initial estimate -1.6%), and growth in 2018Q4 was -0.9% (1.3% in 2018Q3)....

February 20, 2019

Do parents work more when children start school? Evidence from the Netherlands

When children start school, parents save time and/or money. In this paper, we empirically examine the impact of these changes to the family's budget constraint on parents' working hours....

February 19, 2019

Do zero and sign restricted SVARs identify unconventional monetary policy shocks in the euro area?

This research re-examines the findings of the existing literature on the effects of unconventional monetary policy.

No title

Seminar: What drives pension reform measures in the OECD?

Dinsdag 19 februari 2019 geeft Ward Romp (UvA) een presentatie getiteld: "What drives pension reform measures in the...