Search results

There are 278 search results.
January 28, 2011

Pers-informatiebijeenkomst “Modellen en voorspellen: een kijkje in de machinekamer van het CPB”.

Over de mogelijkheden en opbouw van de modellen die het CPB gebruikt bij ramingen en ander onderzoek, zoals de doorrekening van verkiezingsprogramma’s, bestaat soms onduidelijkheid onder journalisten....

January 26, 2011

Presentations used during the Conference 'Flexibility of the Labour Market' (2011, January 20-21)

On 20 en 21 January 2011, the CPB and ROA organised a conference on ‘Flexibility of the Labour Market’.

January 25, 2011

Social Support Shopping: Evidence from a Regression Discontinuity in Disability Insurance Reform

During this seminar Anne C. Gielen (IZA) will present this...

January 21, 2011

World trade monitor: November 2010

World trade volume increased by 2.3% in November, after a 1.0% rise in October.

No title
January 21, 2011

Economische argumenten bij het voorontwerp auteurscontractenrecht

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

No title
January 21, 2011

Labour Market Flexibility in the Netherlands; The role of contracts and self-employment

The coexistence of different types of labour contracts makes sense, since they serve different goals on the labour market.

January 21, 2011

Presentation "Labour Market Flexibility in the Netherlands"

Presentation used by Rob Euwals during the Conference 'Flexibility of the Labour Market'.

January 21, 2011

Flexibele arbeid belangrijk voor de arbeidsmarkt

This press release is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

January 21, 2011

Conference 'Flexibility of the Labour Market'

On 20 en 21 January 2011, the CPB and ROA organise a conference on ‘Flexibility of the Labour Market’. Nine international speakers present studies on their own countries, or compare different countries....

January 19, 2011

Does Manager Turnover Improve Firm Performance? Evidence from Dutch Soccer, 1986-2004

This research examines the impact of manager turnover on firm performance using information from the Dutch soccer league in the period 1986-2004.

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