Search results

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November 8, 2004

Prepensioen en arbeidsparticipatie ouderen

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

April 1, 2004

Explaining the growth of part-time employment; factors of supply and demand

Using the Dutch Labour Force Survey 1991-2001, the authors investigate the incidence of part-time employment in the country with the highest part-time employment rate of the OECD countries.

April 1, 2004

Explaining the growth of part-time employment; factors of supply and demand

Using the Dutch Labour Force Survey 1991-2001, the authors investigate the incidence of part-time employment in the country with the highest part-time employment rate of the OECD countries.

October 6, 2003

A Note on the Redistributive Effect of Immigration

In this paper, we study gains and losses that accrue to natives because of immigration.