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September 19, 2018

Tegenbegroting 2019 van GroenLinks, PvdA en SP

Het CPB heeft op verzoek van GroenLinks, PvdA en SP de ex-ante budgettaire effecten van een aantal wijzigingsvoorstellen voor de begroting 2019 bezien.

September 19, 2018

Tegenbegroting 2019 van GroenLinks, PvdA en SP

Het CPB heeft op verzoek van GroenLinks, PvdA en SP de ex-ante budgettaire effecten van een aantal wijzigingsvoorstellen voor de begroting 2019 bezien.

February 8, 2018

Competition and pricing behavior in long term care markets: Evidence from the Market for Assistance in Daily Housekeeping Activities

Exploiting a rich data set on the Dutch market for assistance in daily housekeeping activities (ADHA), we find that larger providers obtain a higher price than do small providers. However, compared to other studies on market power in care markets this price difference is considered small to moderate.

February 8, 2018

Competition and pricing behavior in long term care markets: Evidence from the Market for Assistance in Daily Housekeeping Activities

Exploiting a rich data set on the Dutch market for assistance in daily housekeeping activities (ADHA), we find that larger providers obtain a higher price than do small providers. However, compared to other studies on market power in care markets this price difference is considered small to moderate.

February 8, 2018

Competition and pricing behavior in long term care markets: Evidence from the Market for Assistance in Daily Housekeeping Activities

Exploiting a rich data set on the Dutch market for assistance in daily housekeeping activities (ADHA), we find that larger providers obtain a higher price than do small providers. However, compared to other studies on market power in care markets this price difference is considered small to moderate.