Search results

There are 12 search results.
July 25, 2011

General hospitals in financial distress; Reconsidering government intervention

The Dutch government is currently engaged in reconsidering its role in hospital bankruptcies.

May 11, 2010

Ranking the schools: How quality information affects school choice in the Netherlands

School quality scores published by a national newspaper do affect the number of students choosing a school.

May 11, 2010

School responsiveness to quality ranking: An empirical analysis of secondary education in the Netherlands

Schools improve their performance after a bad quality score published by the national newspaper Trouw.

March 10, 2010

The housing corporations from the vanishing triangle

Which public interests, and along which ways, the Dutch governmental authorities should increase their control on social renting policies?

November 27, 2009

Cream-skimming, parking and other intended and unintended effects of performance-based contracting in social welfare services

What are the effects of performance-based contracting in social welfare services?

November 27, 2009

Contracting welfare-to-work services: use and usefulness

Tight budgets induce Dutch municipalities to contracting-out their welfare-to-work services.

October 30, 2008

Looking for profit for 'social enterprise'; an economic analysis

Mid 2007, the government announced the ‘Maatschappelijke Onderneming’ (i.e. ‘social enterprise’) as a draft of a new (additional) legal form for non-profit organisations.

March 7, 2007

Do non-profits make a difference? Evaluating non-profit vis-à-vis for-profit organisations in social services

This CPB Document provides a framework for the evaluation of non-profit organisations. This framework addresses the question under which conditions, and, if so, in what way non-profits should be stimulated.

December 12, 2006

Measuring the effectiveness of Public Employment Service (PES) workers; an empirical analysis based on the performance outcomes of regional employment offices

In this paper, we measure the effectiveness of the Dutch public employment service (PES) for various performance measures, ranging from outflow rates to the timeliness of the benefits allocation.