Search results

There are 7 search results.
November 27, 2009

Cream-skimming, parking and other intended and unintended effects of performance-based contracting in social welfare services

What are the effects of performance-based contracting in social welfare services?

November 27, 2009

Contracting welfare-to-work services: use and usefulness

Tight budgets induce Dutch municipalities to contracting-out their welfare-to-work services.

December 17, 2007

Non-profit provision of job training and mediation services; an empirical analysis using contract data of job training service providers

This paper analyses the relative performance and selection behaviour of not-for-profit (NFP) job training service providers, using contract data from the Dutch social benefit administration.

December 12, 2006

Measuring the effectiveness of Public Employment Service (PES) workers; an empirical analysis based on the performance outcomes of regional employment offices

In this paper, we measure the effectiveness of the Dutch public employment service (PES) for various performance measures, ranging from outflow rates to the timeliness of the benefits allocation.

December 1, 2000

The effects of home-ownership on labour mobility in the Netherlands: Oswald's theses revisited

The effects of home-ownership on labour mobility in the Netherlands: Oswald's theses revisited

May 1, 2000

Duration dependence in unemployment insurance and social assistance; consequences of profiling for the unemployed

It is well-known that the probability of an unemployed person finding a job decreases over the unemployment spell.

February 1, 2000

Employment and reintegration of the unemployed; the government has any role to play?

The role of the government in the provision of employment services.