Search results

There are 5 search results.
September 28, 2023

Kwantificeren economische baten van R&D-beleid

Investeringen in innovatie (R&D) spelen een belangrijke rol in de groei van onze welvaart. Hoe je de productiviteitsopbrengsten van R&D-investeringen kunt bepalen, blijft onderwerp van discussie.

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December 22, 2022

Naar een betere onderwijsranking

Hoe betrouwbaar zijn internationale onderwijsrankings? En moet er ingegrepen worden als Nederland daarop steeds lager eindigt? CPB-programmaleider Paul Verstraten reflecteert op het nut van de ranglijsten in zijn column.

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December 21, 2022

A look at the Dutch position in international student assessments

This study examines to what extent international student assessments are an accurate indicator of educational performance and concludes that various problems can influence the score and position of the Netherlands.

high school class
September 3, 2018

The scope of the external return to higher education

This article examines whether the productivity spillovers from a large share of highly educated workers occur within regions, sectors and/or firms. To distinguish between these possibilities, I follow a two-stage procedure to estimate a Mincerian wage equation using matched employer-employee panel data on individual earnings and educational attainment.

March 13, 2014

Public funding of science: An international comparison

This CPB background document investigates the different allocation mechanisms of public research funding in a sample of seven countries.

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