Search results

There are 7 search results.
June 12, 2014

Choosing privacy: How to improve the market for personal data

Businesses and the government are all collecting more and more personal data, and they use these data ever more intensively. This is mostly to the benefit of citizens, but not in all cases.

April 17, 2014

Cross-Country Insurance Mechanisms in Currency Unions: An Empirical Assessment

Countries in a monetary union can adjust to shocks either through internal or external mechanisms.

No title
December 10, 2013

Optimal bail-out policies under renegotiation

We study how the possibility of renegotiation affects optimal bail-out policies for countries under asymmetric information on a country's cost of reforms.

No title
November 24, 2011

Evaluation of EFSF options

The Dutch House of Representatives has asked the CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis to prepare an analysis of the effectiveness of four options of increasing the emergency fund.

No title
November 14, 2011

Europe in Crisis

The CPB on debts and the future of the euro.

picture of the publicationcover
March 18, 2011

The Netherlands and the European debt crisis

Will the troubled countries be able to fully repay their debt?

December 8, 2008

The credit crisis and the Dutch economy... in eight frequently asked questions

In this memorandum 8 Frequently Asked Questions about the financial crisis and the Dutch economy.