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May 18, 2022

Can skill differences explain the gap in the track recommendation by socio-economic status?

Tracking early in the school career can influence a student's further educational path significantly. We study the track advice at the end of primary school in the Netherlands, where teachers give a track advice based on a student's previous performance and their impression of the student's ability.

children at school
May 18, 2022

Can skill differences explain the gap in the track recommendation by socio-economic status?

Tracking early in the school career can influence a student's further educational path significantly. We study the track advice at the end of primary school in the Netherlands, where teachers give a track advice based on a student's previous performance and their impression of the student's ability.

children at school
May 18, 2022

Can skill differences explain the gap in the track recommendation by socio-economic status?

Tracking early in the school career can influence a student's further educational path significantly. We study the track advice at the end of primary school in the Netherlands, where teachers give a track advice based on a student's previous performance and their impression of the student's ability.

children at school
May 12, 2022

Niet-gebruik van de aanvullende beurs in het mbo

In 2019 had meer dan de helft van de mbo-studenten die in aanmerking kwamen voor studiefinanciering recht op een aanvullende beurs. Ruim een kwart (26,5%) van deze studenten maakte hiervan echter geen gebruik.

No title
May 12, 2022

Niet-gebruik van de aanvullende beurs in het mbo

In 2019 had meer dan de helft van de mbo-studenten die in aanmerking kwamen voor studiefinanciering recht op een aanvullende beurs. Ruim een kwart (26,5%) van deze studenten maakte hiervan echter geen gebruik.

No title