Search results

There are 26 search results.
December 4, 2015

The effects of higher teacher pay on teacher retention

This paper investigates the effects of higher teacher pay for secondary school teachers on their teacher retention decision and enrollment in additional schooling.

No title
April 29, 2015

The effect of schooling vouchers on higher education enrollment and completion of teachers: A regression discontinuity analysis

This paper investigates the effects of education vouchers for teachers. We study effects on enrollment and completion of higher education programs, and on the retention of teachers in the education sector.

No title
April 29, 2015

Evaluatie van de Lerarenbeurs: Aanvragers, Deelname en Afronding

Dit CPB Achtergronddocument dient als achtergrondinformatie bij CPB Discussion Paper 305 ‘The effect of schooling vouchers on higher education participation and completion by teachers’.

No title
May 19, 2014

Individual Returns to a PhD Education in the Netherlands: Income Differences between Masters and PhDs

In this paper we investigate the individual returns to a doctorate education in the Netherlands over the first twenty years of a career.

No title
April 23, 2014

Verkenning ophoging masters PO en VO

OCW heeft het CPB verzocht om een literatuuroverzicht van ervaringen in andere landen met initiatieven om meer hogeropgeleiden voor de lerarenopleiding en het lerarenberoep te laten kiezen.

No title
April 4, 2013

The effects of a special program for multi-problem school dropouts on educational enrolment, employment and criminal behaviour; Evidence from a field experiment

This paper evaluates the effects of a special program designed to increase school enrolment and employment among multi-problem youths.

No title
April 4, 2013

Follow-up evaluatie wijkscholen Rotterdam

This background document is in Dutch, there is no English translation

January 29, 2013

Teacher evaluations and pupil achievement: Evidence from classroom observations

This paper investigates the relationship between teacher evaluations, conducted by trained evaluators, and pupil performance in primary education in a large city in the Netherlands.

No title
January 29, 2013

Evaluatie pilot investeren in kwaliteit leraren

This document is in Dutch, there is no English translation.

November 21, 2012

Does intensive coaching reduce school dropout?

This paper investigates the effect of coaching in vocational education on school dropout using data from a randomized experiment.

No title