Search results

There are 6 search results.
August 29, 2006

Who benefits from tax competition in the European Union?

Statutory tax rates have declined in the European Union in the recent decades.

May 27, 2005

New economic geography, empirics, and regional policy

There are doubts about the effectiveness of regional policy. Well known are the fruitless attempts of Italy to bridge the gap between the Mezzogiorno and the North and of Germany to bridge the gap between the Neue Länder and the West.

January 31, 2005

Relocation from the Netherlands; motives, consequences and policy

Relocation of activities to low-wage countries no reason for concern.

October 30, 2002

Does European cohesion policy reduce regional disparities? An empirical analysis

European cohesion policy entails predominantly the funding of infrastructure and employment projects in lagging regions of EU Member States.

April 9, 2002

Funds and games; the economics of European cohesion policy

How effective is European cohesion policy in reducing regional welfare differences?

May 2, 2001

Capital income taxation in Europe; trends and trade-offs

The EU capital market integrates. Portfolios become more international, cross border mergers are the order of the day, and never before has there been so much foreign direct investment.