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February 24, 2014

Measuring too-big-to-fail funding advantages from small banks’ CDS spreads

Large banks derive a funding advantage from being too-big-to-fail, while small banks do not.

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February 24, 2014

Measuring too-big-to-fail funding advantages from small banks’ CDS spreads

Large banks derive a funding advantage from being too-big-to-fail, while small banks do not.

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June 6, 2012

When is debt sustainable?

This CPB Discussion Paper proposes indicators to assess government debt sustainability. Sustainable government finances can be achieved via three main channels: fiscal responses, economic growth and financial repression.

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June 6, 2012

When is debt sustainable?

This CPB Discussion Paper proposes indicators to assess government debt sustainability. Sustainable government finances can be achieved via three main channels: fiscal responses, economic growth and financial repression.

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June 6, 2012

When is debt sustainable?

This CPB Discussion Paper proposes indicators to assess government debt sustainability. Sustainable government finances can be achieved via three main channels: fiscal responses, economic growth and financial repression.

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