Search results

There are 4 search results.
June 9, 2016

Brexit costs for the Netherlands arise from reduced trade

By 2030, the costs for the Netherlands could run up to 1.2% of GDP, or 10 billion euros.

Brexit puzzle
October 8, 2013

Early warning indicators for debt sustainability

This CPB Policy Brief develops a simple dynamic framework for assessing the sustainability of public finances over a medium-term horizon.

June 6, 2012

When is debt sustainable?

This CPB Discussion Paper proposes indicators to assess government debt sustainability. Sustainable government finances can be achieved via three main channels: fiscal responses, economic growth and financial repression.

No title
March 15, 2007

Opening services markets within Europe; modelling foreign establishments in a CGE framework

In services, the activities of foreign affiliates often exceed the value of cross-border trade. A complete analysis of services liberalisation therefore requires the modelling of FDI.