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June 9, 2016

Brexit costs for the Netherlands arise from reduced trade

By 2030, the costs for the Netherlands could run up to 1.2% of GDP, or 10 billion euros.

Brexit puzzle
June 9, 2016

Brexit costs for the Netherlands arise from reduced trade

By 2030, the costs for the Netherlands could run up to 1.2% of GDP, or 10 billion euros.

Brexit puzzle
June 9, 2016

Brexit costs for the Netherlands arise from reduced trade

By 2030, the costs for the Netherlands could run up to 1.2% of GDP, or 10 billion euros.

Brexit puzzle
June 9, 2016

Brexit costs for the Netherlands arise from reduced trade

By 2030, the costs for the Netherlands could run up to 1.2% of GDP, or 10 billion euros.

Brexit puzzle
June 9, 2016

Trade effects of Brexit for the Netherlands

On June 23th the United Kingdom (UK) will hold a referendum on its European Union’s (EU) membership. Brexit will occur in the event of a leave vote and this will have far-reaching consequences.

May 10, 2016

Literature survey on the economic impact of TTIP

In this paper we review, compare and assess the CGE- and SG-based studies on TTIP in order to draw conclusions on the expected economic effects of TTIP.

May 12, 2015

Melting Ice Caps and the Economic Impact of Opening the Northern Sea Route

A consequence of melting Arctic ice caps is the commercial viability of the Northern Sea Route, connecting North-East Asia with North-Western Europe.

No title
May 12, 2015

Melting Ice Caps and the Economic Impact of Opening the Northern Sea Route

A consequence of melting Arctic ice caps is the commercial viability of the Northern Sea Route, connecting North-East Asia with North-Western Europe.

No title
May 1, 2015

Causes and policy implications of the Dutch current account surplus

The Netherlands has experienced a persistent and relatively large current account surplus since the 1970s. In recent years the surplus has increased, reaching a historically high level of 8.5% of GDP in 2013.

May 1, 2015

Causes and policy implications of the Dutch current account surplus

The Netherlands has experienced a persistent and relatively large current account surplus since the 1970s. In recent years the surplus has increased, reaching a historically high level of 8.5% of GDP in 2013.