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December 4, 2007

On the optimality of expert-adjusted forecasts

Official forecasts of international institutions are never purely model-based. Preliminary results of models are adjusted with expert opinions.

December 4, 2007

On the optimality of expert-adjusted forecasts

Official forecasts of international institutions are never purely model-based. Preliminary results of models are adjusted with expert opinions.

April 17, 2007

SAFFIER; a multi-purpose model of the Dutch economy for short-term and medium-term analyses

Since late 2004, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis has been using the macro-econometric model SAFFIER for its short-term and medium-term analyses.

October 10, 2006

Focus on the track record of the short and medium term forecasts.

This report analyses the accuracy of CPB’s short-term forecasts of the Dutch economy in the period 1971-2005.

October 10, 2006

Focus on the track record of the short and medium term forecasts.

This report analyses the accuracy of CPB’s short-term forecasts of the Dutch economy in the period 1971-2005.

June 16, 2006

SAFFIER: a 'multi purpose'-model of the Dutch economy for short and medium term analysis

Voor analyses en ramingen op korte en middellange termijn maakt het CPB sinds eind 2004 gebruik van het macro-econometrische model Saffier.

June 16, 2006

SAFFIER: a 'multi purpose'-model of the Dutch economy for short and medium term analysis

Voor analyses en ramingen op korte en middellange termijn maakt het CPB sinds eind 2004 gebruik van het macro-econometrische model Saffier.

January 25, 2006

Accuracy of short-term CPB forecasts for the years 1971-2004; Including a comparison with nine other institutes

This report analyses the accuracy of CPB's short-term forecasts of the Dutch economy in the period 1971-2004.

November 25, 2005

How to determine the contributions of domestic demand and exports to economic growth?

This memorandum unveils the differences between the 'Dutch method' and the 'international method' to determine the contributions of expenditure categories to economic growth.