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December 17, 2019

Arbeidsparticipatie en gewerkte uren tot en met 2060

Tussen 2018 en 2060 neemt het arbeidsaanbod in personen naar verwachting toe met bijna 800 duizend personen. Het gemiddeld aantal gewerkte uren per werkende blijft naar verwachting nagenoeg...

August 21, 2019

Vrouwen aan de top

Het aandeel vrouwen aan de top van bedrijven blijft achter. Wat is er aan te doen?

No title
August 21, 2019

Vrouwen aan de top

Het aandeel vrouwen aan de top van bedrijven blijft achter. Wat is er aan te doen?

No title
August 21, 2019

Vrouwen aan de top

Het aandeel vrouwen aan de top van bedrijven blijft achter. Wat is er aan te doen?

No title
June 26, 2019

Non-Bunching at Kinks and Notches in Cash Transfers

We typically do not find statistically signicant evidence of bunching around kinks or notches, neither in income nor in wealth.

Figure 5b
June 26, 2019

Non-Bunching at Kinks and Notches in Cash Transfers

We typically do not find statistically signicant evidence of bunching around kinks or notches, neither in income nor in wealth.

Figure 5b
June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups

On average, migrant children in the Netherlands end up lower in the income distribution compared to native children, even if their parents have equal incomes.

Income differences across migrant groups
June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups

On average, migrant children in the Netherlands end up lower in the income distribution compared to native children, even if their parents have equal incomes.

Income differences across migrant groups
June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups

On average, migrant children in the Netherlands end up lower in the income distribution compared to native children, even if their parents have equal incomes.

Income differences across migrant groups
June 12, 2019

Income differences across migrant groups

On average, migrant children in the Netherlands end up lower in the income distribution compared to native children, even if their parents have equal incomes.

Income differences across migrant groups