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June 6, 2017

CPB Risicorapportage Financiële Markten 2017

Rapportage voor de Tweede Kamer over de internationale en nationale macro-economische ontwikkelingen in samenhang met ontwikkelingen in de financiële sector.

January 28, 2011

Presentatie "Beleidsanalyses met SAFFIER, voor de middellange termijn"

This presentation is in Dutch, there is no English version.

December 14, 2010

SAFFIER II; 1 model for the Dutch economy, in 2 qualities, for 3 uses

SAFFIER II: 1 model of the Dutch economy, in 2 qualities, for 3 uses

October 3, 2008

Evaluating CPB's published GDP growth forecasts; a comparison with individual and pooled VAR based forecasts

We compare the accuracy of our published GDP growth forecasts from our large macro model, SAFFIER, to those produced by VAR based models using both classical and Bayesian estimation techniques.

October 3, 2008

Evaluating CPB's published GDP growth forecasts; a comparison with individual and pooled VAR based forecasts

We compare the accuracy of our published GDP growth forecasts from our large macro model, SAFFIER, to those produced by VAR based models using both classical and Bayesian estimation techniques.

January 12, 2006

Athena; a multi-sector model of the Dutch economy

is document describes Athena, CPB's multi-sector model of the Dutch economy and illustrates the mechanisms of the model by presenting a number of applications.

January 12, 2006

Athena; a multi-sector model of the Dutch economy

is document describes Athena, CPB's multi-sector model of the Dutch economy and illustrates the mechanisms of the model by presenting a number of applications.