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There are 3 search results.
January 16, 2017

In vier stappen naar efficiëntere faillissementswetgeving

Een stabiele welvaartsontwikkeling is gebaat bij een flexibele economie die snel kan inspelen op veranderende omstandigheden.

April 18, 2012

Second opinion on Lombard Street Research's report 'The Netherlands and the euro'

At the request of the Lower House of the Dutch Parliament, CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) conducted a second-opinion survey on the report ‘The Netherlands & The Euro’ by Lombard Street Research.

No title
May 9, 2007

Trends in European integration: Technical appendix to Europese Verkenning / European Outlook 5

This memorandum provides a technical appendix to Chapter B3 of the Europese Verkenning / European Outlook 5.