Search results

There are 18 search results for *.
January 19, 2016

Vermogensongelijkheid in Nederland, 2006-2013

In dit CPB Achtergronddocument analyseren we in detail de ontwikkeling van de vermogensongelijkheid over de periode 2006-2013.

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January 19, 2016

Vermogensongelijkheid in Nederland, 2006-2013

In dit CPB Achtergronddocument analyseren we in detail de ontwikkeling van de vermogensongelijkheid over de periode 2006-2013.

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August 28, 2015

Network Analysis of Tax Treaty Shopping using dividend-based weights

Multi-national corporations can reduce their tax burden on repatriating foreign profits by using third countries, other than the home and host country of the investment, which have more favourable tax treaties.

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August 28, 2015

Network Analysis of Tax Treaty Shopping using dividend-based weights

Multi-national corporations can reduce their tax burden on repatriating foreign profits by using third countries, other than the home and host country of the investment, which have more favourable tax treaties.

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April 9, 2015

Beschrijvende statistiek DGA’s

Het algemene beeld is dat DGA’s en hun bedrijven gevoelig zijn voor fiscale prikkels. Wij vinden fiscaal gemotiveerde pieken in de verdeling van het gebruikelijk loon en de box 1-grondslag.

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April 9, 2015

Beschrijvende statistiek DGA’s

Het algemene beeld is dat DGA’s en hun bedrijven gevoelig zijn voor fiscale prikkels. Wij vinden fiscaal gemotiveerde pieken in de verdeling van het gebruikelijk loon en de box 1-grondslag.

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October 30, 2014

Ranking the Stars: Network Analysis of Bilateral Tax Treaties

With a novel approach this paper sheds light on the international tax planning possibilities of multinationals.

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October 30, 2014

Ranking the Stars: Network Analysis of Bilateral Tax Treaties

With a novel approach this paper sheds light on the international tax planning possibilities of multinationals.

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