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There are 4 search results.
December 10, 2019

SVARs, the central bank balance sheet and the effects of unconventional monetary policy in the euro area

This discussion paper presents further evidence that the most important published estimates of the effects of unconventional monetary policy are not reliable. It is a further elaboration of the ideas in the CPB...

February 6, 2018

The effects of unconventional monetary policy in the euro area

How effective are unconventional monetary policies? Through which mechanisms do they work? This discussion paper contains a detailed presentation of the new scientific evidence we reported in the policy brief, and adds to the relatively scarce literature in this field.

June 8, 2017

Back to normal monetary policy

The question is no longer if, but when and how unconventional monetary policy will be phased out. The undoing of the unconventional policies will affect European economies, just as their build up stimulated the euro area economy.

April 24, 2014

Follow the leader? Public and private wages in the Netherlands

This study investigates wage leadership in the Netherlands. We empirically examine public and private wages using several wage definitions for the period 1980-2012.

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