
February 24, 2017

Switching gains and health plan price elasticities: 20 years of managed competition reforms in the Netherlands

In this paper we estimate health plan price elasticities and financial switching gains for consumers over a 20 years period in which managed competition was introduced in the Dutch health insurance market.

February 21, 2017

Understanding employment decentralization by estimating the spatial scope of agglomeration economies

This paper argues that the spatial decay function of agglomeration economies is much more complex than is often assumed in the agglomeration literature. We provide insight into this issue by analyzing a nationwide and spatially rich wage panel.

February 16, 2017

Charted Choices 2018-2021

CPB Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis has published the results of its assessment of the election manifestos. The report, Charted Choices 2018-2021, contains an analysis of the financial-economic choices made by 11 Dutch political parties. Differences between them proved to be large; both in the types of measures chosen by the various parties and in the resulting effects.

No title
January 31, 2017

Presentation: About CPB

Presentation used by Paul Besseling during a 'Seminar on National Productivity Boards', January 20, 2017, Riga, Latvia.

January 31, 2017

VAT and Agriculture: Lessons from Europe

Little has been written about the treatment of agriculture under the value added tax (VAT). This article attempts to fill the void by surveying and evaluating the situation in the Member States of the European Union (EU) and some other countries.

January 20, 2017

The effect of financial development on economic growth: a meta-analysis

The financial crisis has renewed interest in the finance-growth relationship. We analyze the empirical literature and find a moderate positive but decreasing effect of finance on growth.

January 19, 2017

Biomass-Energy with Carbon Capture and Storage Should Be Used Immediately

In this Policy Brief, we analyse the potential role of negative‐emissions technology in reducing these emissions.

December 27, 2016

Accounting for the Business Cycle Reduces the Estimated Losses from Systemic Banking Crises

We re-estimate the e ffects of systemic banking crises in industrialised countries reported by Cerra and Saxena with a model that includes transitory business cycle shocks.

December 14, 2016

The Effects of Additional Study Choice Activities: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Trial

This paper analyses the eff ect of additional study choice activities on the probability that subscribers withdraw from the study field of their preference before the study actually commences, as well as on the study performance of students who actually start with the study.

December 6, 2016

Valuation of CO2 emissions in CBA: implications of the scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment

The scenario study Welfare, Prosperity and the Human Environment (WLO ) forecasts long-term developments on four topics, climate being one of them. The study’s climate scenarios have been constructed taking into account various ways of international collaboration on the climate issue around the world. The WLO climate scenarios are characterised by a CO2 emission budget for the rest of the century and an associated CO2 emission reduction target.