
January 12, 2021

The Revealed Comparative Advantages of Dutch Cities

The trade literature often treats countries as dimensionless points, which is a strong assumption. Agglomeration or lumpiness of production factors within countries can affect the national pattern of trade....

Erasmusbridge in Rotterdam
October 12, 2020

Offshore Tax Evasion and Wealth Inequality: Evidence from a Tax Amnesty in the Netherlands

As long as there have been taxes, people have tried to avoid and evade them. Interest in these phenomena has been fueled by the effects on public revenues, as well as on the distribution of wealth and income....

September 24, 2020

An assessment of the Phillips curve over time: evidence for the United States and the euro area

We assess the stability of the coefficient on the unemployment gap in various linear dynamic Phillips curve models. We allow the coefficient on the unemployment gap and the other variables in our model to be...

July 24, 2020

A Structural Microsimulation Model for Demand-Side Cost-Sharing in Healthcare

Demand-side cost-sharing schemes reduce moral hazard in healthcare at the expense of out-of-pocket risk and equity. With a structural microsimulation model, we show that shifting the starting point of the deductible...

May 27, 2020

Prices and market power in mental health care: Evidence from a major policy change in the Netherlands

In the Dutch health care system of managed competition, insurers and mental health providers negotiate on prices for mental health services. Contract prices are capped by a regulator who sets a maximum price for each...

May 26, 2020

The information value of energy labels: Evidence from the Dutch residential housing market

Do energy labels contain extra information that buyers cannot observe themselves? Which labeling scheme is more effective: a voluntary or a mandatory one? In this paper we examine the information value of voluntary and...

April 28, 2020

The urban rural-education gap: do cities indeed make us smarter?

Despite the existence of a large urban-rural education gap in many countries, little attention has been paid whether cities enjoy a comparative advantage in the production of human capital....

March 10, 2020

Cyber incidents, security measures and financial returns: Empirical evidence from Dutch firms

This CPB discussion paper investigates the cybersecurity of Dutch small and medium-sized enterprises, the security measures they take and the relationship thereof with financial...

February 18, 2020

Markups in a dual labour market: the case of the Netherlands

We follow the production function approach to assess markups, which requires the estimation of the output elasticity of a free input. In the basic setup we estimate a structural value added production function, using...

February 17, 2020

Estimation of the Financial Cycle with a Rank-Reduced Multivariate State-Space Model

We propose a model-based method to estimate a unique financial cycle based on a rank-restricted multivariate state-space model. This permits us to use mixed-frequency data, allowing for longer sample periods....

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