
March 6, 2018

Preliminary Forecast March 2018 (cCEP 2018)

The Dutch economy is gathering steam. The economic boom is the result of a favourable international economy, low interest rates, expansive budgetary policy and a persistently strong housing market....

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December 20, 2017

Forecast December 2017

De economische groei zet volgend jaar door. Het bbp neemt, net als in 2017, toe met meer dan 3%. Dergelijke groeipercentages hebben zich sinds 2007 niet meer voorgedaan. Hierdoor is volgend jaar sprake van hoogconjunctuur. Alle bestedingen dragen bij aan de economische groei.

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October 10, 2017

Analysis economic and budgetary effects of the financial appendix to the Coalition Agreement

This analysis is based on the measures in the financial appendix to the Coalition Agreement, as submitted to CPB on 29 September. Chapter 10 lists the measures included in the analysis.