
February 13, 2025

The Effect of Adverse Life-Events on Income Trajectories

This paper studies and compares the effect of different adverse life events on individuals’ income trajectories. We use a harmonized research design across events and assess the effect of adverse events on ...

March 30, 2022

Alternative Work Arrangements and Worker Outcomes: Evidence from Payrolling

The rising incidence of alternative work arrangements raises questions about worker outcomes in non-standard labor contracts. However, causal evidence on the effects of flexible contracts on labor market outcomes of...

April 28, 2021

The Young Bunch: Youth Minimum Wages and Labor Market Outcomes

The 2017 increase in the Dutch youth minimum wage has improved labor market outcomes for low-paid young workers. In particular, these workers’ average wage has risen with 4% without adverse effects on employment or...

No title
February 20, 2019

Do parents work more when children start school? Evidence from the Netherlands

When children start school, parents save time and/or money. In this paper, we empirically examine the impact of these changes to the family's budget constraint on parents' working hours....

February 14, 2019

Automatic Reaction – What Happens to Workers at Firms that Automate?

We find that automation increases the probability to leave the firm by 8 percentage points.

No title
July 6, 2017

A lost generation? The early career effects of graduating during a recession

We estimate the effect of graduating during a recession on the early careers of high educated graduates in the Netherlands between 1996 and 2012. Exploiting field-specifi c differences in un-employment rates, we fi nd that graduates on average suffer a 2.3% lower wage in a typical recession in their first year.

June 13, 2017

Using Tax Deductions to Promote Lifelong Learning: Real and Shifting Responses

Policymakers are concerned about potential underinvestment in lifelong learning. In this paper we study to what extent a tax deduction helps to stimulate post-initial training.

April 4, 2017

Knowledge diffusion across regions and countries: evidence from patent citations

We study knowledge spillovers from European universities and other research organizations using data from patent citations at the EPO.