Seminar: Learning about risk in a new environment. Evidence for crime preventive behavior
Tuesday October 15th, Ben Vollaard (UvT) will present "Learning about risk in a new environment. Evidence for crime preventive behavior".
Time: 13.00-14.00 hours
Location: CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague
Presentation: Ben Vollaard (UvT)
Discussant: Eva Gutiérrez-i-Puigarnau
Language: English
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We examine the process of how individuals adjust to a change in risk. Specifically, we examine how perceptions of the crime risk, preventive measures and crime victimization evolve in the years after a move to a new municipality. We compare individuals who moved to the same municipality at different points of time, based on data from a large national crime survey, merged with administrative records on current and previous places of residence. We find that risk perceptions and levels of precaution are adjusted upwards in the years after a move, regardless of whether the new place of residence is less risky, more risky or equally risky compared to the previous place of residence. The process of upwardly adjusting the risk assessment for crime takes exceedingly long, some 10 years or even longer. Our findings suggest that judgment of risk is primarily based on the ease in which negative experiences in the new place of residence can be brought to mind. These experiences are gathered only slowly. Greater precaution is found to go together with substantial decreases in the rate of victimization of crime in the years after a move, but only in locations with a relatively high crime rate.
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