Policy seminar

CPB Policy Seminar "Is there a trade between 'dirty' imports and 'clean' innovation?"

During a CPB Policy Seminar on Thursday September 20th, Svetlana Batrakova (London School of Economics) will give a presentation "Is there a trade between 'dirty' imports and 'clean' innovation?"

September 20, 2012
CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague

Time: 13.00-14.00 hours
Location: CPB-office, Van Stolkweg 14, The Hague

Presentation: Svetlana Batrakova (London School of Economics)

Discussant: Arjan Lejour (CPB)

Language: English

Registration: Please register by sending an email to polinars@cpb.nl.

Abstract subject: We examine the impact of trade with lower-regulated countries on firms' propensity to engage in 'clean' innovation using a newly constructed data set that combines firm-level international trade data with self-reported innovation data for around 400 Irish companies. We find robust evidence that a higher share of 'dirty' imports from BRIC countries significantly decreases firms' propensity to innovate in 'clean' technologies. A one standard deviation increase in the import share of 'dirty' products decreases firms' propensity to introduce an environmental innovation by up to 8 percentage points. This suggests that importing companies are less likely to respond to environmental policies by developing 'clean' technologies. This also means that carbon leakage may not only affect jobs and emissions in the short run, it also affects long-run competitiveness.

Policy seminars
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