
Previous events

10 Mar 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Allocation of Tax Subsidies on New and Old Housing: Theory and Evidence from Luxembourg

On Tuesday March 10th 2020, François Koulischer (University of Luxembourg) will give a presentation titled: "Allocation of Tax Subsidies on New and Old Housing: Theory and Evidence from...

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05 Mar 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Smart Specialization policy in the EU: the role of regional capabilities and inter-regional linkages

On Thursday March 5th 2020, Ron Boschma (UU) will give a presentation titled: "Smart Specialization policy in the EU: the role of regional capabilities and inter-regional...

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03 Mar 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Child Socio-emotional Skills: The role of parental inputs

On Tuesday March 3rd 2020, Gloria Moroni (EUR) will give a presentation titled: "Child Socio-emotional Skills: The role of parental...

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20 Feb 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Decomposing Employment Trends of Disabled Workers

On Thursday February 20th 2020, Heike Vethaak (Universiteit Leiden) will give a presentation titled: "Decomposing Employment Trends of Disabled...

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18 Feb 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Learning From Praise: Evidence From A Field Experiment With Teachers

On Tuesday February 18th 2020, Maria Cotofan (EUR) will give a presentation titled: "Learning From Praise: Evidence From A Field Experiment With...

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13 Feb 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Secular stagnation: Theory and remedies

On Thursday February 13th 2020, Jean-Baptiste Michau (Ecole Polytechnique) will give a presentation titled: "Secular stagnation: Theory and...

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11 Feb 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Labour supply effects of inter-vivos transfers

On Tuesday February 11th 2020, Johan Bonekamp (Tilburg University) will give a presentation titled: "Labour supply effects of inter-vivos...

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28 Jan 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: Staggered wages, unanticipated shocks and firms adjustments

On Tuesday January 28th 2020, Jante Parlevliet and Francesco Caloia (DNB) will give a presentation titled: "Staggered wages, unanticipated shocks and firms...

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28 Jan 2020 Time: 10:00

NPB-seminar "Digitalisering en productiviteit"

Dinsdag 28 januari 2020 vindt de jaarlijkse bijeenkomst in het kader van de National Productivity Board...

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21 Jan 2020 Time: 13:00

Seminar: How does an allowance for a non-working younger partner affect the retirement behaviour of couples?

On Tuesday January 21nd 2020, Arthur van Soest (Tilburg University) will give a presentation titled: "How does an allowance for a non-working younger partner affect the retirement behaviour of...

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