Seminar "An Introduction to Machine Learning"
Tuesday February 14th, Max Welling (UvA) will present "An Introduction to Machine Learning".
Time: 13.00-14.00 hours
Location: CPB-office, Bezuidenhoutseweg 30, The Hague, room 3, Braamzaal
Presentation: Max Welling (UvA)
Language: English
Registration: Please register here
Please bring your ID with you, and consider a waiting line. Guests who own a Rijkspas, can enter the building by filling in the following form in advance: InterDepartementale Toegang
Abstract subject:
In this talk I will give a brief overview over various techniques that are popular in machine learning: supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning. In particular I will discuss deep learning, recommender problems, topic models and graphical models. Finally I will discuss some real world applications of these techniques.
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